How would you like to actually get paid for building an email list in almost any niche?
It has been almost a year now that I first launched my CPA Hot Spot member site and one of the goodies inside was Super Affiliate Jonathan Van Clute’s special “Prepop” report that detailed how he managed to get over 60,000 subscribers and make about $65,000 doing it.
All in less than six (6) weeks.
You could only access this report if you referred two people to CPA Hot Spot, but I will provide you with a link where you can download this report for free.
Prepop is short form for “prepopulate”, which means the ability to automatically place data into a form, whether it be a name, email address, city, or any other data you have collected and want to prepopulate.
So how does it work?
It works by first creating a landing page that asks for information from a prospect that gets entered into a listserver (i.e. You then carry that same data over and prepopulate a form after the prospect has clicked the submit button and joined your list.
They are redirected to a second page (that you specify within your listserver) with their information already prepopulated into an offer (i.e. email submit CPA offer or short form offer).
They then only have to click the submit button for you to get paid on the CPA offer.
Jonathan did a lot of testing to determine what works and here is essentially what you need:
1. A Squeeze page
2. Related CPA offer to promote that allows prepops
3. Listserver such as or
4. Cheap Traffic
Squeeze Page
The first thing you will need is a squeeze page to capture the prospect’s email address and any other information that you want for your mailing list. The squeeze page is what is responsible for building your list, so it needs to be geared towards the niche that you want to target.
Jonathan did a lot of testing when it came to squeeze pages and he told me that the best converting landing page was the famous Eben Pagan “Double Your Dating” landing page.

Note: This above page is protected by copyright laws and is only shown here for educational purposes.
This page has absolutely no graphics and just a killer headline and key bullet points.
You can easily change any of these to suit the niche that you are building a list in.
You can clearly see here that Eben is a great copywriter and use a killer headline of “You’re About To Learn The Secrets That Most Men Will Never Know About Women.”
This headline can be customized to fit almost any niche that you want to build a list in. For example, if you wanted to build a list on the subject of gardening, your headline could be “You’re About To Learn The Secrets That Most Shopoholics Will Never Know About Getting Great Deals On Electronics.”
The best way to get a prospect to give you there email address is to offer them an incentive such as a free report.
CPA Offer To Promote
The next thing you need to do is join a CPA network that allows you to prepopulate their CPA offers. This is not hard to do as you can just ask your current affiliate manager for their list of email offers that allow prepop.
Your affiliate manager should supply to you the code to add to your affiliate link in order to include the email address of the prospect.
For example, it may look something like:
<email token>
where &em = the email address that you want to pass and <email token> = the prospect’s email address that is prepopulated.
There are many places where you can get list hosting, but you want to make sure that it is with a list hosting service that can pass values such as email addresses to the “Thank You” page once a prospect submits their email address to join your list. and are two services that are affordable and can pass values onto a “Thank You” page.
This is really important.
You need to use a list hosting service that can pass values such as the email address so that you can prepopulate the offer on the next page. allows you to pass the email address using the {!email} token.
You can then grab you affiliate link and add the email token to it.
For Aweber, it may look like this:{!email}
You would then set this as the confirmation page where you would have Aweber redirect your new list subscriber to after they submit their email address.
This would send the prospect right to the CPA offer with their email address already prepopulated in the email address field.
For example:

Cheap Traffic
You next need to have the ability to drive traffic to your newly created squeeze page that not only is cheap but also very targeted to your market.
One of the cheapest forms of online paid traffic where you can have your squeeze page seen by tens of thousands of people every day is Pay Per View (PPV) traffic. You an get full impressions of your landing page for as little as $0.002 per view.
This is a quick nutshell is how you do prepop and make money building a list.
I highly suggest engaging your new list subscribers immediately with an autoresponder message and start developing a relationship so that you can continue to promote related items in the future and make even more money.
You can download Jonathan’s entire “Prepop” report that goes into much more detail for free right here:
Please post your comments if this was useful.
Gauher Chaudhry