Sales Letter Headlines: 7 Effective Headline Formulas

Did you know that 80% of the success of your sales letter depends on how effective your headline is? It only makes sense to spend the majority of your “copywriting” time on creating headlines that grab your prospect’s attention and compel them to read the rest of your sales letter.

Writing Effective Sales HeadlinesEffective headlines will always help you attract people to your product. Making an appealing headline for your product may be a challenging task. However, there are seven formulas that you can use to help you achieve this task easily.

1. Benefit Technique: Start by listing all the benefits of your product. From this list, pick the most attractive benefit your product offers. A headline which is centered on the most attractive benefit has a high chance of attracting more attention and interest than one which does not have a benefit.

2. Borrow It Technique: Secondly, use the ‘borrow it’ technique. This technique borrows formats, phrases, words and ideas from other headlines and incorporates them to suit. In this case, you take individual components from several existing headlines and repackage them by combining some features of each to form the ultimate hybrid. Never copy a headline word for word. This is an easy way to put together a solid headline in a few minutes.

3. Brainstorming Technique: Alternatively, you can use the brainstorming technique. Though it can be effectively done individually, it has the best result when it is done in groups. All participants should free their minds and let the ideas flow without limitations. Brainstorming can be best done when participants think of benefits to the customer and stick to descriptions of one to five words. They should try and think of single phrases or words that describe benefits of the service or product.

4. Power-Packed Technique: The power-packed combination is another effective formula for creation of sales headlines. A combination headline of this kind should include multiple combinations. For example, it can include a ‘benefit, offer and guarantee’ or a ‘benefit and an offer’. Since the options are plentiful in this situation, you should choose one that packs the biggest punch while working well in a particular situation. The result will be a headline that is three times more powerful than a normal headline.

5. Dream Technique: Another effective formula is delivering the dream. Prospects will always want an advantage and / or a better way of doing things. In most cases, they will be looking for solutions to problems and new alternatives that save effort, money and time. The idea of such a headline is transforming the product to an ideal answer for your prospects’ deepest aspirations and desires.

6. Testimonial Technique: Formula number six involves using your customer’s own words. Gather all feedback you may have gotten from your customers, because words of satisfied clients will always hold a lot of weight with prospects. A good testimonial headline is one that speaks to a prospect about something he really desires in a language he can understand.

7. Fill Blanks Technique: The seventh and last formula is filling in the blanks. This is the easiest approach for any person who is struggling with the other six formulas. In this case, you just need to get a few starters and fill in the blanks with the appropriate benefit, action word, expression or description. Some suggestions are: ___ reasons why you should ________ and How to ______ 100% guaranteed. You could fill in one of the blanks by stating: 10 reasons why you should use (name of product). You can use any of these seven formulas to ensure you create the best advertising headlines in the market.

I hope these seven formula tips help you write a more profitable sales letter. To learn more about writing effective sales headlines – Click Here


Gauher Chaudhry